segunda-feira, 10 de novembro de 2008


We usually go to the beach on our vacation.We usually go by car or by plane.We usually go with our family and friends.
The beaches are beautiful and hot.There are many bars and malls.There are many tourists there.We can go to the beach, restaurants and go out.
We are all go in to travel this year.We are going to beach(Natal,Cabo Frio,Rio de Janeiro and Aracaju).

quarta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2008

preferred music

We all like to listen to music (axé, sertranejo, rock’n’roll, international, funk and pop. Our favorite bands ate High School Musical, Pussycat Dolls, D’Black, Rapazola, NX zero, Jonas Brothers, Victor e Leo and Chis Brown. Our favorite songs are "Look in the Eyes", "Sem Ar", "Fica Comigo", "Gaiola das Poposudas", "Cedo ou Tarde", and "Semente","Everyday", "You are Music in Me", "Take a Bow", "Hate That I love You", "Same Mistake", "Kiss the Girl".

There are six people in Fernanda’s family. In Ana Leticia, Thais, Beatriz and Laura’s family there are four people and there are three people Alice’s Family .

The bad girls!

Hello, People! We are the “Bad girls”, SW4, Itabira.

Fernanda, Ana Leticia and Alice ate 13; Thais, Beatriz and Laura are 12.

We are from in Itabira, but Beatriz is from BH.

Fernanda’ nickname is Nandinha, Thais is Thaty, Beatriz is Bia, Ana Leticia is Aninha, Alice is Lice and Laura is Laurinha!

We ate study at Number One and we all in junior hight in 6ª grade. Aninha, Thaty and Alice take up Ballet classes. In the morning everyone goes to school, in the afternoon everybody do the homework, talk about boys on the fone and in the evening, we watch TV, play the computer and sleeping.

segunda-feira, 13 de outubro de 2008

Bad girls' city

We can play some sports. Everybody has swimming classes but Alice doesn’t, and we practice it very well. Thaís, Aninha and Alice have ballet classes. Fernanda and Thaís play volleyball.
We can swim at Aqualino, dance ballet at CIA Itabirana de Danças Classicas and play voleyball at FIDE.
Fernanda can play the guitar.
Everybody has some special skills: speaking other languages.
Our city is small, beautiful, there are many museums and clubs, but doesn’t have many places for teens to date and go out with their boyfriends.
Itabira has 100.000.000 inhabitants, there are many tourists attractions(Pico do Amor, Mata do Intelecto, Centro Cultural, Fazenda do Pontal, VALE, ...)
Everybody would like to visit New York, London, Buenos Aires, Paris and every beautiful and chick city. We can go to the mall, museums, anyway… have a lot of fun!!!